martes, 24 de diciembre de 2013

Un simple deseo II

La Navidad es una epoca de muchos sentimientos y celebraciones. Hay muchos reencuentros, y para otros, se extraña a un ser quien se fuera a otra localidad.

La Navidad crea muchas emociones poderosas. Para muchos es una época de felicidad, pero para otros es una época donde se extrañan a seres que viven en el extranjero, y otros que lamentable fallecieron.

En estas Navidades quiero expresar amor hacia todos aquellos que celebran juntos a sus seres queridos, a los que encienden una vela y rezan por un ser querido quien a partido a una nueva vida.

Veo a amigos sufrir en Navidad. Ellos concentran sus energías y emociones en recordar a los que han avanzado a un nuevo y mejor mundo, y se descuidan de los que están a su lado. Es importante siempre recordarlos, hacer un rezo y hasta un brindis. Siempre pensar en el espíritu de ellos llenos de vida. Yo creo que debemos compartir con los nuestros vivos también, sin olvidar a los que están en el cielo, y tratar de dejarlos descansar en paz. Hay personas que consideran que si no lloran, ya no los aman ni recuerdan. Los seres queridos, presentes o no, siempre estarán en nuestros corazones.

La Navidad es el nacimiento del niño Jesus. Es una celebración hacia la vida y la extensión de esta vida a una nueva y mejor vida. Es difícil dejar ir a un ser querido. Es terrible y doloroso. En especial para los padres, hijos y hermanos. A aquellos que han sufrido perdidas mi mas sincero sentimiento de condolencias.

Mi mensaje es que debemos recordar, honrar y nunca olvidar, pero debemos valorar a aquellos que están a nuestro lado por igual. No le nieguen una sonrisa ni un regalo a un/a niño/a en Navidad por la partida de alguien amado.  Amen a los que hoy día están con nosotros en honor a los que celebran la Navidad desde el cielo.

No hay una forma correcta para celebrar la Navidad y hacer honor a nuestros Seres amados vivos y ausentes. El corazón de cada quien dictara que hacer. Solo les deseo que vean la Navidad como una celebración de amor, paz y unión familiar. Es época de perdonar,  dar y amar.

Dios nos bendiga a todos.  

domingo, 17 de noviembre de 2013

Good People

I remember years back when I had the opportunity to rescue someone from a near fatal car accident. I am no hero. I give God thanks for giving me the chance to give something back to humanity. I probably saved a life, but that night I became a better man.

 A friend of mine, JJ, saved my life while traveling. I almost had a fatal fall and he risked his life saving mine. He is a true Angel and one of my heroes. Thank you friend for life.

My point is that there are a lot of good people everywhere. Anyone with a good common sense knows when someone is good or spoiled. People in position of command are responsible for protecting their subordinates and the needy.

There are fake individuals everywhere; such as at church, school, social clubs, work, etc..  It is sad how people in power feed the vices of these unworthy people allowing them to harm good, clean, decent and loyal humans. In circumstances like these, leaders correct / appraise those who are misguided. For those who don't, please don't call them leaders, because they are not.

Humanity and humility are priceless. To achieve this level of grandness, one has first to achieve the highest level of self worthiness, confidence and control.  Carrying other peoples' dirty laundry will just make yours equally stinky and cloud your legacy.

The truth will always remain the truth. Lies will fall sooner or later, and the liar will be condemned.

Avoid carrying other peoples' dirty laundry. Surround yourself with people who add to you. Always be sincere, honest and decent. Your Karma will reward you.

God bless good people with clean hearts.  

jueves, 3 de enero de 2013

Where do you Stand in 2013?

Do we know who we are and what we want? How can I improve and get more of what I want?

At times, we make the mistake of asking others these questions (above) rather than ourselves. No one will ever know how to truly answer these for us. We hold the key and the responsibility to seek the truth of our lives, no one else does. Whatever answer we receive from others will have a bias based on their likes, beliefs and experiences, not based on ours. We are all unique valuable individuals. By seeking the truth of our lives through others, we are yielding our space, our reality and purpose. We need to learn to seek within to find comfort, insight, drive, peace, direction and our voice. We need to know what moves us, what we care for the most.

I believe I know who I am and what I want. I know where I am and where I want to be. I understand the sacrifices I will need to make. I am ready for this now.

We all make our yearly wish list. Many seldom accomplish 20% of it. Others go mad and make a full page and seldom accomplish one. Most of us want to accomplish perfect health, financial independence, travel more, find love, build a happy family, gain popularity, and obtain wealth. These are in my list too, but I know that my biggest challenge is to learn the discipline to get all my goals and needs prioritized, commit to the sacrifices these entail, and pursue them without rest.

Effective immediately, I commit to do all the things that I know I must do and can accomplish. I will be realistic, but ambitious. I will no longer wait on Santa Claus. I know now that I have my life under control. There is nothing or nobody that can change my legacy or determine my fate; I am at the driver seat of my life. People must understand this.

I do care about how others affect my life and I try to act responsibly over those whose lives I affect, but I will never limit my pursuit for my happiness based on peoples’ beliefs of myself. It does not mean I don’t love people; it means that I have learned to love myself enough to start caring for ME for once in my lifetime. Remember that the stronger you are the more valuable and helpful you are to others.  

You need to look inside yourself and identify what moves you and what is meaningful to you. Discard excess baggage so that you have room for new good people and positive things in your life. Remember that to gain something you have never had you must do something you have never done.

Do not lay on others, because eventually they will let you fall. People will help until they can. You should never overload people with your problems, because they will eventually get fed up with your burden. People seek others to have a good time and talk; to have fun. Like in golf, when you play best-ball in a team of two (this is taking the best score of the two players per hole) you must win some holes to have been of value. If you do not, then your team loses and you will end up without a teammate. No one will ever want to play again with you until you practice to play better.  

Seek the livelihood that best fits you. Be adventurous and free!

Have a Great 2013 and a very Happy Life!


miércoles, 2 de enero de 2013

Valeria (10/2006-12/2012)

Duerme linda Princesita
Dios te espera con sus brazos abiertos
Esa linda sonrisa tuya
Siempre recordaremos.

En vida y pos vida
Siempre brillará tu luz
Iluminarás el camino en el día (con el sol)
Y guiarás nuestros sueños de noche (con la luna y las estrellas).

A tu familia cuidaras desde la Gloria
Con tu nobleza, amor y bondad
A algunos harás falta con tu ausencia física
Pero sé que en sus corazones crecerá tu presencia.

No te has ido muy temprano de la tierra
Has llegado al Cielo en hora buena
Has logrado en tus pocos añitos
Lo que muchos no aprender en una vida centenaria.

Todos hablan de tus notas en la escuela
Que siempre recogías tu ropa
Pero lo más valioso para mí fue
Haber aprendido a los 6 añitos a ser un ser humano por excelencia.

Vuela alto Ángel
Y juega con las nubes
Ríe y sonríe como siempre lo has hecho
Y que Dios siempre esté contigo.

Reflexión: A mis amigos, y nuevos por conocer, les pido que en este 2013 aprender a vivir a plenitud sus vidas, evitar conflictos y dejarle saber a quienes amas que lo haces con hechos y bondades. La vida es muy exigente para querer nosotros complicarla más.  Respeten el derecho ajeno y que Dios esté siempre presente en vuestros corazones y camino.
